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try{ if(this.Name.Trim() == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){ this.Version = this.Version.split('(')[1].split(';')[1].split(' ')[2]; this.Name = "IE"; }else{ this.Version = this.Version.split('(')[0]; } }catch(e){ this.Name = "IE"; this.Version = "7.0"; } } //返回时间随机文件名 function GetRadomFileName(path){ var temp = path.split('.'); var exten = temp[temp.length-1]; var year,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds,ap; var intYear,intMonth,intDay,intHours,intMinutes,intSeconds; var today; today=new Date(); intYear=today.getYear(); intMonth=today.getMonth()+1; intDay=today.getDate(); intHours=today.getHours(); intMinutes=today.getMinutes(); intSeconds=today.getSeconds(); return intYear+""+intMonth+""+intDay+""+intHours+""+intMinutes+""+intSeconds+"."+exten; } //返回时间随机字符串 function GetRadomString(){ var year,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds; var intYear,intMonth,intDay,intHours,intMinutes,intSeconds; var today; today=new Date(); intYear=today.getYear(); intMonth=today.getMonth()+1; intDay=today.getDate(); intHours=today.getHours(); intMinutes=today.getMinutes(); intSeconds=today.getSeconds(); return intYear+""+intMonth+""+intDay+""+intHours+""+intMinutes+""+intSeconds; } /*--------------------------------------------------- // 日期格式化 // 格式 YYYY/yyyy/YY/yy 表示年份 // MM/M 月份 // dd/DD/d/D 日期 // hh/HH/h/H 时间 // mm/m 分钟 // ss/SS/s/S 秒 ---------------------------------------------------*/ Date.prototype.Format = function(formatStr) { var str = formatStr; str=str.replace(/yyyy|YYYY/,this.getFullYear()); str=str.replace(/yy|YY/,(this.getYear() % 100)>9?(this.getYear() % 100).toString():'0' + (this.getYear() % 100)); str=str.replace(/MM/,this.getMonth()>8?(this.getMonth()+1).toString():'0' + (this.getMonth()+1)); str=str.replace(/M/g,this.getMonth()); str=str.replace(/dd|DD/,this.getDate()>9?this.getDate().toString():'0' + this.getDate()); str=str.replace(/d|D/g,this.getDate()); str=str.replace(/hh|HH/,this.getHours()>9?this.getHours().toString():'0' + this.getHours()); str=str.replace(/h|H/g,this.getHours()); 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